How Arc Hospitality create an awesome candidate experience

About Arc Hospitality

Since its launch in 2008, Arc has grown to become one of the most reputable event staffing agencies in the United Kingdom, known for exceptional, unwavering delivery for each and every client.

Through a team of the brightest minds in the world of temporary staffing and a ready-made workforce of high-calibre staff, they amplify guest experience to remARCable heights.

Providing staffing solutions to some of the country’s most legendary venues and world-class events, they offer an array of roles from Back of House to Front of House, through a team of diligent and professional individuals that are trained to effortlessly blend into their client’s regular operations.

Arc's objectives

  • Implement a cost-effective hiring model for high-volume recruitment
  • Integrate with partners (TrustID, Indeed and Ubeya) to reduce time spent on admin and increase compliance
  • Increase volume and quality of hires made through organic channels 
  • Gain actionable insights to support paid and organic marketing campaigns

Headline stats (Q2 2023 vs. previous Q1 2023)

faster average time to hire
0 %
increase in organic hires conversion vs. paid
0 %
increase in total hires
0 %

How we create an awesome candidate experience…

Arc’s career site optimises their jobs for search engine results. Combining SEO and employer branding has enabled Arc to rank higher in organic search results – delivering a 28% uplift in organic hires. 

“We have a higher fill rate from candidates applying via our career site – the quality of applicant is much higher compared to other sources”

Arc’s marketing team gain valuable insight into candidate channel source enabling them to measure and budget paid advertising spend effectively

“Showcasing our employer brand enables us to make a strong first impression with candidates. We took a view to invest in a career site to help us grow our organic web visibility and diversify our candidate attraction methods. In the last 6 months we’ve seen a 28% uplift in hires made organically from our careers site. This means we can reinvest our paid budget to diversify our channel spend and double-down on high-performing sources.”

Arc has developed a best practice approach to hiring combining standardised workflows with flexibility for niche and specific roles. Providing candidates with the option to apply and interview via video or in-person meetings creates an optimum application experience for candidates that is wholly inclusive.

“We have the ability to adapt our hiring approach to make it easier for candidates to apply without compromising on compliance. By understanding specific role profiles, we can use video or forms to improve experience and conversion”

Arc has dramatically reduced the amount of time spent managing a candidate’s application by creating automated workflows. Automating direct communication actions with the candidate, including auto-reminders, rejection emails, interview invitations, compliance requests and reference collection means Arc’s team reviews a candidate’s application a maximum of two times in the hiring process, saving a lot of time and manual effort.

“Using flexi-forms creates a more candidate centric experience – if a candidate has already provided their details, we can automate the next stage of the process without the candidate having to reapply”

Arc’s implement a structured approach to tagging candidates enabling the team to search and filter candidates based on a range of profile criteria to surface the best matches.

Integrating with Indeed, TrustID and Ubeya streamlines Arc’s recruitment process, ensures compliance, and records data accurately to enable smarter and faster recruitment process and advertising decision making.

Arc - key takeaways

  • Build automations to reduce admin time and increase compliance
  • Use video or forms to provide candidates with different ways to apply
  • Use data insights to inform marketing and advertising investment
  • Partner with a connect best in breed technology to connect your end-to-end process

Trusted by thousands of talent professionals

To find out how Talent Funnel can help you attract, engage and convert the best candidates, get in touch with the team

Get in touch

We’d love to hear more about your requirements and see if we can help.

Or perhaps we can grab a coffee and talk through how we can improve your recruitment and processes? 

Drop us a message, and let’s chat

Phone: 0330 470 3424
Address: 2D Station Yard, Thame, Oxfordshire

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