Save precious time with automated emails

With time saving and efficiency at the centre of Talent Funnel’s Applicant Tracking System, explore how automated emails can revolutionise the way you communicate with candidates.

Emails feeling too consuming?

Save huge amounts of time with automated emails and discover new ways to optimise your recruitment.

Not only do automated emails save you time repeatedly typing out emails, but strip out any time needed to search for candidate information to add to the email, with dynamic fields added to your emails template to automatically populate candidate details.

Automated emails can help to keep candidates more active throughout your processing, reducing costly candidate drop-offs, ensuring quality candidates make it to the end and into your business.

An easy-to-track communication timeline means you can see ALL candidate emails, from yourself or from colleagues, leaving nothing to question.


"Easy-peasy" personalisation

Personalise all your emails in seconds with templates in the ATS.

Increase candidate engagement

Make the application process feel human and connect more with your candidates.

Retain your branding

Say goodbye to restrictive emails. Ensure every email looks and sounds like you.

Never forget crucial details

Save time and remove human error and automatically pull across important candidates information.

Letting great recruitment teams hire their way

Join the growing number of teams joining Talent Funnel

Stop wasting time typing emails

We can give you more time to focus on hiring and no get bogged down with mundane tasks by setting up highly-efficient automated triggers. 

Whether you want to automatically follow up with candidates who haven’t completed requests within a set number of days, or a conformation email, automated emails can be sent out without you even needed to be at your desk!

Create unique triggers for tasks such as...

Last chance emails
Rejection emails

Personalised response at scale

Empower your team to personalise responses at scale, without the costly time needed to do it the way you currently do.

Multiply producitivty with group actions

Group together candidates, from as few as 2 candidates all the way into the hundreds, and send a large volume of emails in just a matter of clicks with group actions. You can even choose to delay sending the emails for a later time/date.

What our customer love about Talent Funnel 

Ready to recruit with less time wasting admin tasks?

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Ready to recruit with less time wasting admin tasks?